About Us
Please note that pocketcribbage.com is not affiliated with the US Navy. Endorsement of pocketcribbage.com by the US Navy is neither explicit nor implied. The views reflect here are the author's alone, and they do not reflect an official position of the US Navy.
Hi There!
I'm Bennett, and I enjoy 3D printing and cribbage. The two interests converge with pocketcribbage.com. I design, build, and ship your custom cribbage boards. It's fun for me!
I've been 3D printing since 2011, when I built my first printer out of threaded rod, some electronics from digiKey, and plastic parts another enthusiast printed for me. I've seen the hobby evolve over the last decade. My wife will attest that I've owned too many printers. Today I print with a really high-quality multi-color machine. In fact, I have three of them working nearly continuously.
I'm also a veteran submariner with over 22-years of service. Cribbage is a mainstay of leisure on US submarines. It's a tradition that has survived for over a hundred years, with a typical wardroom meal ending with the CO playing the XO. And downtime in the enlisted crew's mess isn't just PlayStation and Switch, it's cribbage too.